Welcome To IT-CS.be

Our goal is to give people easy to use new technology tools -Web sites, mobile apps - to make their every day life easier. Also, if you are looking for a tool to delete duplicate events in your calendar, take a look at our projects page. We hope the list will grow up in the next few months.
Take into account that the only way to keep the site alive is by submitting some (non intrusive) ads. So, please don't use adblock browser plugins on it-cs.be
If you want to leave a message, feel free to send an e-mail to info@it-cs.be by clicking here. I will try to answer as soon as possible.
When possible these tools will remain free to use, although, if you are satisfied, you may make a donation.
Our Work
To describe our activity in a few words:
Building multilingual web sites and mobile applications.
Projects integrating web and mobile apps.
Development MS Office add-ins and LibreOffice tools.
In addition, the site is meant to become a gateway to useful apps,
remaning free to use when possible, or if not, with a tiny contribution.
You can see a few of them in the menu Projects.
These apps are raw, without many beautifull display effects.
we are concentrating on the functionnality;
the user interface will be improved, later, maybe...
But the main idea is that it must be usable without bugs. Cosmetics is not our obsession...
Latest Projects
A smart way to move with a car.
You feel environmentally friendly! This carpooling app is made for you.
NB: currently available in french and dutch.
To go to the app, please click here
Bye bye Covid. An innovative way NOT to meet the covid!
If you are working in a bar, let your customers avoid the queues,
gain a lot of time and increase your profits. To go to the app, please click here
Delete duplicated events in a google calendar
Actualy, this is the first app that has been be made available on the site.
The title is explicit about what the app does.
As far as I know, there is no free tool to delete dup.
events on a google calendar. So I developed it.
The site is very basic, of course, but it does the job,
and that is the important thing, isn't it?
I will try to give it a better user interface but I was exited about let you try it as soon as possible.